So, I am officially a month late on posting my pictures from Comikaze...sigh. What can I say, life gets in the way. But I am glad that I am finally able to share pictures of my Dia de los Muertos Maleficent! My cosplay was based off of Peter Steigerwald's art (he is an amazing artist at Aspen comics, go check out his art!). When I was at Comikaze, my friends and I found his table at the convention and I was able to take a picture with him and thank him for doing such awesome artwork. He was so kind and even gave me a print of Maleficent! Sweet!
Wandering conventions is always fun, and this time was no exeption. I was sad though because I really want to do a meet up with a group of people from Youtube, but because of a misprint in the schedule I missed the meet up :(. I think I will also go two days next time, there were a bunch of panels I wanted to go to but they were all on Sunday, but I couldn't pass up going to a convention on Halloween, the best holiday of the year!
While I had a great time at the convention, I was so tired that I didn't attend the cosplay ball at the end of the night *tears*. Wearing that headdress all day was pretty tiring. Oh, and btw my headdress is made of worbla. It is actually my first time working with worbla and I actually like how it came out (but I still see places I could make improvements). Looking at other people's worbla creations makes me want to work with worbla even more (but it's soooo expensive *tears*). And my friend made my staff, lights up and everything! Whenever anyone asked for a picture and I turned on the light, people went "ooh! Wow!" So I got to thank my friend officially for making such an awesome staff. Well, until my next cosplay/convention. I wonder what I will do next! TTFFN, ta ta for now.