So many pictures! I probably took close to 300 pictures on the 3rd day of Wondercon! There were just so many amazing cosplays and things to see, plus my cosplay came out better than expected. I pretty much did this cosplay in a day, and I would say it was success. In case you can't tell, I'm Lana from Archer. I can't tell you how many people yelled at me from across the convention hall, "LANA!!!" And I always screamed back "WHAT!?" Reply, "Dangerzone." It was great. Who knew being yelled at could be so much fun. I even got to meet another group of Archer cosplayers, which was amazing! Cosplaying with a group, seems so fun. Wish I could have a group for my next cosplay.
And some advice for anyone going to a con, Sunday seems to be a much calmer day that allows you to just enjoy the atmosphere. I just walked around, bought some goodies, and took pictures. I wish I had gone to some panels though, there was actually a panel about "Fashion and Comics", which would have been perfect!
Anyway, I got to have my picture taken by a few photographers, and it was quite fun. I never had my picture really taken by a photographer before (except at school picture days a long time ago), so it was a new experience. As always, I can't wait until the next con. I am already planning my next cosplay and thinking about how much materials will cost (*tears*). But I love cosplaying, so it's all worthi it. Until then, TTFN ta ta for now.
P.S. I would like to thank my friend again for taking these awesome pictures.