japan adventures

Japan Adventures- Day 3

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Harajuku! My favorite place in Japan! I felt like I was right at home in Harajuku, I was surronded by my fellow fashionistas, and they enjoyed my funkier take on fashion as well! If you are fashion blogger, or someone who just enjoys odd and quirky things, you definitely have to visit Harajuku!

But before heading to the wonderful world of Harajuku, my friends and I went to the Shibuya crossing and watched as a horde of people crossed the street (not gonna lie, we were total tourists and crossed the street several times trying to get that perfect picture). Once we got our tourist pictures in, it was time to eat! While wandering Shibuya we happened upon a ramen shop with vending machine ordering. It was super cool and convenient (as there was English on the menu). I decided to get the weirdest ramen on the menu, butter and garlic ramen. Man, was it good but so unhealthy! I could feel my arteries clogging as I ate it. Once our bellies were nice and full, it was time to grab a quick cup of coffee in an adorable coffee shop.

After being decently caffeinated, it was onto Laforet in Harajuku. And oh, was it wonderful! I made sure to explore every floor, and walk by every little store and vendor. My favorite shop was Paris House. They had the sweetest workers, and even though we did not speak the same language we bonded immediately and were exchanging "Kawaiis". I got a super cute purse and matching friendship necklaces for my friend and myself, but looking back I  wish I had actually bought more! I wish I had bought more from Paris House, and Laforet in general. While some of the stores were pretty pricey, looking back I now realize a lot of the items were exclusive for the store and totally worth it, as I don't think I will find anything similar in the States. Oh well, hindsight is 20/20.

After exploring the Laforet department store, it was time to wander Harajuku itself and discover all the little shops. And oh boy, were there a lot of little shops! I would have loved to spend the whole day wandering Harajuku, but my friends were hungry and my feet were tired (wearing heeled boots may have super cute, but maybe not the best idea) so it was time to head back to our place and prepare for our early start the next day.

I seriously loved Harajuku, and next time I go to Japan (hopefully soon!), I plan to spend a whole day shopping and finding all the quirky areas. Prepare for another Japan post this week. TTFN, ta ta for now.


Japan Adventures- Day 2

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Second day in Japan. So many adventures, like Ueno Park and Akihabra. I also did more Hanami viewing but this time with some Sakura wine. Sitting in a park while drinking some Sakura wine, that's my kind of day.

Ueno Park was beautiful and full of so many people and things to see. And so many things to eat! So much delicious street food. Advice if you go to Ueno Park, go early, less crowds. But even with the crowds everything was still really pretty.

And Akihabra, oh Akihabra. I don't know why it took me so long to find you! It is literally the brightest street in the area and we kept missing it. But once we found it, it was pretty awesome. I wish I had had more time to spend in Akihabra because my nerd heart was so happy. There were so many little stores and alleyways that I feel like you would need at least half a day to do most of the block (not even all of it, just a good amount). Oh, and the talk you heard about maid cafes in Akihabra is true. So many maid cafes! And they would stand outside in the cold passing out flyers. Props.

Second day was a success, and the adventure continues. Expect more soon. TTFN, ta ta for now.
