Shirt: Look Human, Skirt: H&M, Purse: Ebay (Sailor Moon x Samantha Vega Collab), Shoes: Topshop
I now understand why other bloggers like to take pictures on merry-go-rounds, they are so pretty and so fun! Plus, as a blogger how can I pass up an awkward picture situation of parents staring and wondering why a grown person is taking so many pictures on a merry-go-round. Just blogger things. :)
Anywhose, my friend and I went to the Asian American Expo in LA not sure what we would find. What we did find was delicious food, pretty back drops, and Anime Impulse. Well, we tried to find Anime Impulse and somehow walked by it. But it's all good because I'm planning to go to Anime LA at the end of the month so I will get my convention fill soon enough. However...I thought we would find Anime Impulse so I wore a Sailor Moon inspired outfit: Sailor Moon tank, Luna purse, and little Sailor Moon buns. Gotta love a themed outfit. Well, I hope to have some cosplay progress pictures on my Instagram soon (you can follow me at dressesandcapes). So until then, TTFN ta ta for now.