shake shack

Welcome to Boston

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Dress: Forever 21, Leather Jacket: Vintage, Tights: Marshall's, Boots: Dolce Vita (Thrifted), Backpack: Amazon, Watch: Vintage, Bracelet: GAP, Earrings: Jeweliq

So, these pictures are from my first full day in Boston. And man, was it a tiring day! I had not done that much walking in a long time. Looking back at these pictures just reminded me of the day my friend and I had; walking around the city, trying to find historical sites, delicious food, and standing behind tour groups to a little history without paying for the actual tour (this is bad, don't do what I did). And of course, I had to stop at the first comic book store my friend and I found. It's just a right of passage for any city I go to. After wandering the city, my friend and I were starving and we stopped to try Shake Shack for the first time, and my final opinion is...pretty good. Not as good as an In-N-Out burger but good (so expensive though!). Actually before we even got burgers, we got a cupcake from Georgetown Cupcakes, and it was delicious! And after burgers we got ice cream! It was a very fatty day. After all this exploring it was time to drank, Boston has very interesting pubs and nice bars but is not really popping on a Wednesday night.

I never realized what a beautiful city Boston was until this visit, and man do I want to go back. I feel like I only got a small sampling of the city, and would have loved to have another day or two to just explore random places. I have a ton more pictures I took from this day, but decided I didn't want to bore you (including cemeteries, libraries, parks, swan boats, etc.).

Our next stop on my East Coast adventure was Salem, which was not what I expected. Expect to see that soon. TTFN, ta ta for now.
