Shirt: Big Gay Ice Cream Shop, Skirt: Urban Outfitters, Shoes: Asos, Hat: Madewell, Backpack: Amazon
Happy New Year! And with the new year comes new years resolutions and people saying "New year, new me!" and while I applause people for that determination, I have never been able to do get into that idea of new year, new me. I think I said something similar last year, but I am pretty happy with me. Of course, there are little habits that I want to change but overall...I'm good.
Anyways, onto the outfit! This was taken the day I had a super early brunch with my sister and best friend before my lil sis left (if you follow me on Instagram you would have gotten a glimpse of this already). I wanted to wear something a bit casual, so i resorted to a t-shirt and maxi skirt. Side note, I love this t-shirt from Big Gay Ice Cream Shop in NY. One thing, it has a unicorn on it and it's focused on ice cream (my favorite thing ever). Plus I finally found a black hat that has a huge brim (for all my hair)! This ended up being the perfect brunch outfit, especially with the weather now getting cold. Brrr!
I hope everyone's new year is starting off well. I'm looking forward to new adventures in this new year! TTFN, ta ta for now.