dolce vita

The Supreme is Back in Salem

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Dress: Asos, Tights: Marshall's, Shoes: Dolce Vita (Thrifted), Hat: Forever 21, Necklace: Flea Market, Jacket: Flea Market

Continuing my super late blogging...second day in Boston and my friend and I decided to go to Salem. Before I begin my recap, if you decide to go to Salem, go early in the day! That's where we messed up; we waited too long to leave Boston and didn't leave ourselves enough time to really enjoy Salem. There is so much to see in Salem that not giving it a full day is really a crime.

However, we were able to go the House of the Seven Gables and Hawthorne's birth place, and a historical tour of Salem. It was amazing how difficult it was to find a historical tour, because all the tours were about witchcraft and Wicca. While a tour solely about witchcraft might be interesting, I really wanted to know the history of Salem. And the history of Salem and the witchcraft hysteria are so interesting that they don't need the gimmicks of witchcraft for me to want to learn more. If you are in Salem make sure to take the Hocus Pocus tour, the tour guide is amazing and so informative!

While wandering Salem, I couldn't help but take some pictures in front of this old abandon house/station. And couldn't help reference American Horror Story: Coven (even though it was the second worst season of AHS). Also, can you believe it was so cold in May that I needed to wear tights and a leather jacket! This Californian is not used to the cold.

I ended the night in Salem with a visit the statue of Bewitched and some DELICIOUS hot chocolate. Overall, Salem was amazing and I actually really want to return to Boston soon! Almost done with my East Coast blog posts! Until the next one, TTFN ta ta for now.


Winky Face

IMG_1314 IMG_1315 IMG_1316 IMG_1317 IMG_1320 IMG_1322 IMG_1330 IMG_1336 IMG_1339 IMG_1347 Sweater: Sheinside, Jeans: True Religion (Thrifted), Shoes: Dolce Vita (Thrifted), Earrings: Forever 21, Purse: Italy

Twas the day of the Oscar's and all through the house, not a creature could rest not even my dog. So, instead of sleeping and preparing for the Oscar's I went to have brunch (and attempt to sell clothes at Buffalo Exchange). It must seem like I go out to brunch a lot, but in reality I probably only go once a month. But anywhose, I don't like just waiting around for the Oscar's so I went out and enjoyed the day (although the sun did not want to come out to play). I hope everyone else had a great Sunday. Until next time, TTFN ta ta for now.


Lips Are Everything

IMG_0668 IMG_0640 IMG_0655 IMG_0682 IMG_0687 IMG_0689 Shirt: H&M, Jeans: GAP, Cardigan: Target, Shoes: Dolce Vita (Thrifted), Earrings: ?

Sometimes you just want to be sassy, and a shirt with a giant mouth biting its lip is pretty damn sassy...cue "Rocky Horror Picture Show". Plus, I went to "Trapped in a Room with a Zombie" and had to bring my sass if I wanted to survive (challenge of having to solve riddles within an hour before the zombie gets you). Of course, being me, I freaked out when the zombie popped out fell and slighly sprained my ankle. Ta da! Anywhose, I was ordered not to do much walking and rest; which I have been trying to do. Hopefully this upcoming weekend is a little kinder. Until then, TTFN ta ta for now.
