miss shaheen

Miss Shaheen Dress

IMG_0537 IMG_0538 IMG_0548 IMG_0553 IMG_0569 IMG_0595Dress: Vintage, Shoes: Sofft (Macy's), Earrings: Flea Market, Bracelet: Old Navy This dress is another flea market win, that for some reason was hidden in my closet until now. It's a beautiful Miss Shaheen dress, that the woman who sold it to me was reluctant to let it go (at such a low price, never settle on the first price girls). Anywhose, I wore this to brunch and then run errands around town. I know some may people may think this is dressy for just running errands, but as if have said before the world is your stage so sashay down it! TTFN, ta ta for now.
