Dress: Vintage (80's does 50's), Sandals: DSW, Hat: Target
Hi guys! It has been forever! I have been so busy with life, that I let my blog fall to the wayside, but no more! I hope to now update my blog more regularly with outfit photos, cosplay photos, and potentially cosplay explainers (aka faux tutorials).
I'm so excited to be back to blogging and can't wait to really dive back into the blogging sphere. For the next month or so, expect to see small changes on the blog (as I am still deciding on the final design) and traveling back in time. You may ask, "How are you going back in time?" Well, simply put I will be posting a back log of posts such as Wondercon, Renaissance Faire,Dapper Day outfits, etc. So expect to see a lot of posts coming your way!
But back to this post...I have recently been feeling nostalgic and been wearing a lot of my vintage outfits more casually. This picnic dress, as I like to call it, was worn to hang out with some friends on a Saturday and just chill. I love weekends like that and feel like I need a few more like that.
Well, as I said I'm excited to be back to blogging and hope to see y'all come back here soon! TTFN, ta ta for now.