Wondercon Day 2-Korra

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This was my first time attending Wondercon and what a blast! I bought a 3 day pass, but ended up only going 2 days. Which I think is a perfect amount of time because the first day I got to walk around, visit a few panels and see other cosplayers. On the second day I just walked around and relaxed, had my picture taken and just enjoyed the atmosphere (pictures of the second day coming soon).

My first day there, which was technically Day 2, I cosplayed as Korra from the Legend of Korra, but a battle/armored Korra. This was my own design of the character. I imagined what she would wear if the battle with Kuvira had continued in Season 4. When I did my makeup the goal was that when I closed my eyes it looked like I was in Avatar state, don't know if I succeeded (you are the judge). This was also my first time working with eva foam and making armor. While making the armor was difficult, it was doable (thanks to all the tutorials online) and I was even able to put my own design on the back of Raava (which I imagined Korra would take up as her symbol in battle). The hardest part was actually figuring out how to attach everything to myself. This was definitely a learning moment. Next time, I know that I have to buy straps and buckles and all that good stuff. In addition, Next time I am definitely wearing a wig. While it's nice to have my own hair because it looks more natural, it is a pain. Since my hair is naturally curly and dyed a light color I had to straighten and spray it with temporary color which means frizz. Ugh, the bottom of my hair was large by the end of the day. Lesson learned.

Beside that, I had a blast as Korra. I talked to other Korra fans (even met an Asami, Korrasami OTP) and other cosplayers, which I love to do. I have very few people in my life that I can nerd out with, so conventions like this are what I wait for all year (plus I love cosplaying now!).

I loved Day 2, and Day 3 was even crazier. Stay tuned! TTFN, ta ta for now.


P.S. I would like to thank my awesome friend for taking these pictures!

Modern Style

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Shirt: Asos, Jeans: True Religion (thrifted), Shoes: Macy's (old), Earrings: Nordstrom's Rack

I decided to go for a different look, and went for a modern style, which is not my typical style. I actually really enjoy this modern look, and may incorporate more modern pieces into my wardrobe. We'll see...Well, until then, TTFN.



Fight Like a Girl

IMG_1491IMG_1417 IMG_1420 IMG_1432IMG_1434 IMG_1440 IMG_1480 IMG_1485 IMG_1494 IMG_1499 IMG_1506 IMG_1531 Shirt: Look Human, Shorts: H&M (old), Shoes: Target, Purse: H&M, Earrings: Urban Outfitters

Before I start talking about my outfit, let me take a second to say, Never let anyone tell you girls can't/shouldn't fight. Or that girls shouldn't have muscles. Girls, you can be/do whatever you want, and if you want muscles go pump some iron! I do, and have started kickboxing (which I love). I love having muscles (even if they are itty bitty), and would love them to continue to get bigger (but sometimes I'm so lazy). Don't be constrained by society's version of feminitiy!

Ok, sorry I'm done ranting. So, when my sister was in town we went out on the town with her and a friend and took a bunch of random pictures. I love this tank I got from Lookhuman.com. If you are every looking for an awesome tank, or something a little cheeky, this is the place to go! Of course, when I was younger I loved Sailor Moon, and still do. But funny enough, when I was young I loved Sailor Venus, and as I got older I started to like Sailor Jupiter more. I think I was attracted to her strenght and "takes no shit" attitude.

Anyway, it was fun hanging out with my sister and even got to have some awesome apple pie tarts and this awesome place called Layer Cake. You should definitely go if you are in the area, it has delicious food and awesome decor. Well, see you sson. TTFN, ta ta for now.


Today I'm Not Doing Anything

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Sweater: H&M, Jeans: Forever 21, Shoes: J.Crew (thrifted), Hat: Urban Outfitters, Purse: Vintage Dooney & Bourke, Watch: Vintage, Necklace: Jeweliq

I seriously did not feel like doing anything this weekend, but life called and told me to get off my lazy butt and get shit done. So, I got up went to the comic book store picked up my pull list (so hard, right!?), bought groceries, and ran to Target for face stuff. I also attempted to go to my kickboxing class, but felt ill and had to leave (lame). Anyways, after running all my errands I sat my butt down and watched House of Cards. Fun times. TTFN, ta ta for now.


P.S. I noticed that recently I have been putting my hair in protective styles more often and my hair has been growing like crazy. I usually go every three months to dye my hair, but now I'm going every two months, which is nice because my hair is growing but my wallet doesn't like it.

Winky Face

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Twas the day of the Oscar's and all through the house, not a creature could rest not even my dog. So, instead of sleeping and preparing for the Oscar's I went to have brunch (and attempt to sell clothes at Buffalo Exchange). It must seem like I go out to brunch a lot, but in reality I probably only go once a month. But anywhose, I don't like just waiting around for the Oscar's so I went out and enjoyed the day (although the sun did not want to come out to play). I hope everyone else had a great Sunday. Until next time, TTFN ta ta for now.
